Cookie Consent by TermsFeed Generator

Conversion-friendly personalization on Siteglide*
Much like the big guys. But much easier to use. And much less expensive.

What if...

A web visitor comes to your website. They smile. And they linger. Because they feel understood. They belong. And they just know your products or services can help them.

This is empathy at work.
And is the cornerstone of good sales and great marketing.

But, what if...

Many web visitors from different key segments of your marketing audience come to your website. They smile. And they linger. Because they feel understood. They belong.
And they just know your products or services can help them.

This is empathy at scale.
And it is effectively carried out by the big guys on social media, for recommendation systems and on e-commerce sites using personalization. It is now available on Siteglide.

What does personalization look like?

What is needed for empathetic personalization to work?


Knowing your customer segments really well. Specifically what motivates & drives them.


A way to determine what customer segment your visitor belongs to. And track behaviour.


A method to display persausive messaging corresponding to the visitor’s designated persona/segment.


A method to stay compliant.

Our Siteglide Personalization Module Ecosystem


THE PERSONA (PLUS) MODULE Creates & Saves Personas

Personas collect relevant data on critical market segments to be used to help guide messaging and product development to ensure you are aligning with what matters to them.

  1. Personas can be created online. Helpful, free avatar library available.
  2. Personas can be saved, edited, or deleted.
  3. Personas can be shared with potential customers, clients and team members, as a link, pdf, or even displayed on your own Siteglide site. As well as other hosted platforms.
  4. Personas can be enhanced to include psychometric data and persausive messaging suggestions.
  5. Persona layout options.

Try the free Persona Creation Tool now!


1ST PARTY COOKIES MODULE Creates & Stores Cookies

  1. Ties in with the Cookie Consent Module, so you stay compliant.
  2. Ties in with Siteglide CRM - 2 way sync, so you can share insights across your marketing efforts.
  3. Transparent use of legitimate first-party and zero-party data, enabling visitors to control use of personalization.
  4. Ties in with the Personalization Module so messaging to your segments can be governed.


PERSONALIZATION MODULES Personalizated messaging based on Segments, Location or Language

  1. Personas/segments can be activated based on their web behaviour, submitted data via web forms, where they landed on the site (via social media, email, ads, etc)
  2. Can evoke emotions or actions for specific segments
  3. Links (Related Products, Blog Posts, etc) personalized based on Segments


COOKIE CONSENT MODULE Offers 3 ways to gain cookie consent.

  1. Each option offers a way to let visitor control personalization.
  2. Various legal compliance options.

Which Marketing Modules Are Right For You?

If you are a:
Web Agency
Web Designer
or Business Owner

needs help capturing customer attention and increasing conversions on any website, especially in a competitive market,

then the Persona and Persona Plus Module may be right for you.

If you are a:
Web Agency
Web Designer
or Business Owner

needs a legal method of complying with new cookie laws. And wants to be transparent in offering visitors a method of controlling cookie use on your Siteglide-hosted site,

then you may find the Cookie Consent Module really helpful.

If you are a:
Web Agency
Web Designer
or Marketer

wants to increase conversions on your Siteglide-hosted site by using personalized content based on visitor’s persona. Language. Or Country,

or that
wants to help SEO by providing search engines with indicators that visitors are engaged, and find web content on your Siteglide hosted site valuable,

or that
wants to increase opportunities to win business by expanding offerings,

then the Cookie Consent, 1st Party Cookie, Personalization and Persona/Plus Modules might be just what you need.

The Empathy-At-Scale EcoSystem

Ideal for businesses and marketers with Siteglide websites, responsible for servicing customers, helping customer engagement, increasing online conversions. And that need to stay compliant.

Try out the free Persona Creation Tool!    Find out how you can add personalization to your Siteglide website!

* Siteglide is a Digital Experience Platform (DXP).