Conversion-friendly Personalization

Much like the big guys. But much easier to use. And much less expensive.

Dynamic website personalization (DWP) is the ability to dynamically change the content, messaging, and offers displayed to a select visitor based on a set criteria, like website behavior, actions, etc. Personalizing web content results in a better user experience and higher ROI.
To help achieve this on Siteglide* hosted sites, Our Marketing Modules help you:

  • KNOW YOUR CUSTOMERS: using THE PERSONA (PLUS) MODULE. Personas collect relevant data on critical market segments to be used to help guide messaging and product development to ensure you are aligning with what matters to them. The PERSONA (PLUS) creates & saves personas. The PLUS version offers psychometric data and persausive messaging suggestions. The PERSONA (PLUS) works for any site, including those hosted on Siteglide*.
  • TRACK: your visitors' behaviour using the 1ST PARTY COOKIES MODULE. This module syncs with the other modules, and works on Siteglide*.
  • GOVERN MESSAGING: using the PERSONALIZATION MODULES. Dynamic, personalized messaging can be based on Segments, Location or Language. Our speciality is dynamic, emotionally in sync messaging. And these modules work on Siteglide*.
  • STAY COMPLIANT: with the COOKIE CONSENT MODULE which offers 3 ways to gain cookie consent. Each option offers a way to let visitor control personalization. And works on Siteglide*.

* Siteglide is a Digital Experience Platform (DXP).